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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Barbed Wire Betties team members practice during a scrimmage match Oct. 4, 2013, at Kishwaukee YMCA, 2500 W. Bethany Road. The Betties raised money to buy a roller derby track so they can host home meets at Huntley Middle School, 1515 S. Fourth St. The first home match is Nov. 8.

Barbed Wire Betties to hold bout against the Illinois Valley Vixens

By Northern Star staff | March 3, 2015

The Barbed Wire Betties will hold a bout against the Illinois Valley Vixens on March 21 at Huntley Middle School, 1515 S. Fourth St.The Barbed Wire Betties formed in June 2012 as DeKalb’s first roller derby team and played their first home bout Nov....