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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Leon Kincaid, former Student Association Senator, speaks during a Veterans’ Day ceremony Nov. 11, 2014, at a flagpole near Altgeld Hall.

SA moves to dismiss former Senator’s suit

By Northern Star staff | November 17, 2016

Leon Kincaid, former Student Association Senator, speaks during a Veterans’ Day ceremony Nov. 11, 2014, at a flagpole near Altgeld Hall.

SA closed vote could violate Open Meetings Act

By Keith Hernandez and Maxwell Bisaillon | November 19, 2015

The Student Association Senate plans to take final action on whether or not to remove SA Vice President Reggie Bates from office in a closed session Sunday — an action that could be in violation of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.The SA Senate remained...