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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

SGA Senator Jacob Jovanovich, chair of environmental affairs and junior accounting major organized the clean up to provide a clean area for the animals on campus Tuesday. (Chey Quintanilla | Northern Star)

SGA fountain cleanup, low turnout, high passion

By Bridgette Fox, Written Managing Editor | April 19, 2023

DeKALB – SGA Senator Jacob Jovanovich, chair of environmental affairs and junior accounting major, organized a cleanup of the area around Cole Hall’s fountain in honor of this week being Earth Week at NIU. Jovanovich arrived at 3 p.m. (the start...

The entrance to the Housing and Residential Services sits empty over the weekend in Neptune East. Emmanuel Corpuz has been appointed to the Student Government Association Senate, representing University Housing at NIU. (Sean Reed | Northern Star)

SGA appoints new University Housing representative

By Evan Mellon, News Reporter | January 22, 2023

The Student Government Association confirmed Emmanuel Corpuz, a junior mechatronics engineering major, to the Senate. Corpuz will represent University Housing. “As a current Neptune resident, I am not blind to these issues we face on campus,” Corpuz...