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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Wing Stop, Panda Express hit by car

By Northern Star Staff | October 1, 2014

A DeKalb woman drove a Dodge Neon into Wing Stop and Panda Express Monday morning, police said.Lt. James McDougall said Precious Johnson, 19, of DeKalb, drove onto the curb and sidewalk while attempting to park and struck the buildings, 1015 W. Lincoln...

Police say changes improved department

By Alissa Jacob | April 23, 2014

Changes made last year at the DeKalb Police Department resulted in an improvement of performance, police say.The DeKalb Police Department, 700 Lincoln Highway, created a domestic violence unit, expanded the special operations unit of the DeKalb Police...

Police to implement patrols for holiday

By Northern Star Staff | March 16, 2014

Police will crack down on drunk drivers with special patrols for St. Patrick’s Day.Police suggested anyone at parties today should have a sober driver, and hosts should be mindful they may be liable if someone they serve is in a drunk-driving crash.“Too...

DeKalb stays safe during Black Friday sales

By Joe Palmer | November 25, 2012

With the holiday season fast approaching, DeKalb residents braved the cold and darkness to get a jump on their shopping lists during Black Friday sales. While Black Friday is always a safety concern for population centers, DeKalb Sgt. James McDougall...

Northern Star Photo Illustration

Texting and driving

By Hailey Kurth | January 30, 2012

When it comes to using a phone while driving, many people are not sure of the law. Just to be safe, one might want to go to the extent of throwing their cell in the glove box at the sight of a police car. DeKalb Police Sgt. James McDougall said texting...