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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Dramatic Studios to hold 9/11 walk, performances

By Northern Star staff | September 10, 2015

Dramatic Studios Inc. will hold Walk of Silence on Friday in honor of 9/11 victims.Participants will meet at the Holmes Student Center’s seating area around Subway at 8:45 p.m. and will march to the East Lagoon at 9:11 p.m., said Jason Warrior, founder...

Freshman kinesiology major Kenyona Bailey (left) and Jason Warrior, Dramatic Studios founder, practice an improvisational scene during Dramatic Studios auditions Saturday in Stevenson Hall’s Sunset Room.

Dramatic Studios finds NIU talents

By Alexis Malapitan | August 31, 2015

Freshman kinesiology major Kenyona Bailey (left) and Jason Warrior, Dramatic Studios founder, practice an improvisational scene during Dramatic Studios auditions Saturday in Stevenson Hall’s Sunset Room.

Student group seeks performers, models

By Deanna Frances | August 27, 2015

DeKalb | The Dramatic Studios production company is looking for passionate artists as it prepares for auditions this weekend.The Dramatic Studios is an organization on campus that offers lessons on singing, dancing, modeling, acting and art, as well as...

Student Web series focuses on life’s problems

By Darius Parker | October 21, 2014

“The Truth Tv Show” Web series’ first two seasons focused on high school and college experiences, but the actors are tackling life in the series’ third season.The third season of “The Truth,” created by sophomore communication major Jason...

2 Chainz show fails to impress

By Carl Nadig | April 28, 2014

If you caught 2 Chainz at the Convocation Center Sunday night, why weren’t you at home studying for finals?The concert began at 7:30 p.m. with the opening acts of students Jason Warrior and Keith Winford. The performers won the spots to open the show...