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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Jaywalking is annoying and illegal

By AJ Edwards | February 27, 2013

If there’s one thing I truly do not like about my morning commute on campus it’s the never-ending game of dodge the pedestrian. It seems like on every corner crossroad on campus there is someone who doesn’t know the rules for crossing the road properly....

NIU police handing out tickets for jaywalkers, crosswalk misuse

By Cierria McPerryman | October 16, 2012

Students who do not obey traffic signals at on-campus crosswalks can be ticketed. The NIU police have been taking measures to protect students at crosswalks and prevent accidents. They have been keeping watch of crosswalks, like those located at Annie...

Don’t let jaywalking claim your life

By Kayla Nebel | April 2, 2012

While I was walking down Annie Glidden Road a couple days ago, I counted 13 people jaywalking. There were cars coming, yet pedestrians were completely disregarding the fact that giant heaps of metal, rubber and glass were hurtling toward them at 35 mph....