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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Point/ counterpoint: Texting and driving laws

By Jordan Radloff and Nicole Kain | September 15, 2019

Texting while driving law too stringentJordan Radloff | Contributor A law pertaining to distracted driving laws was recently passed by the Illinois General Assembly to change Section 5 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. The new law was put into effect on...

Living with a best friend can work: A first-hand account

By Jordan Radloff | September 14, 2019

Most people have probably heard the age old saying: “Never become college dorm roommates with a friend from high school.” I chose to ignore this warning when planning my living arrangements for this semester. I am rooming with one of my best friends...

Neptune upgrades fall short

By Jordan Radloff | September 4, 2019

When the university announced Neptune East Residence Hall would be receiving a $5.4 million refresh, higher quality features were set to arrive in the living space. These upgrades did come to fruition, yet many aspects of the residence hall remain lackluster....

Fill in the Blank: The first week of classes was…

By Northern Star Opinion Staff | August 30, 2019

Ryan Wyrobek | Contributor“Anxiety Fueled” I’ve never been good at change, even in high school it took me about two weeks to stop freaking out about the AP classes I took. Moving from that to the rigorous workload of college was an expected change,...