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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Center of Black Studies building and sign. The Director position for the CBS has been open since Jan. (Nyla Owens | Northern Star)

NIU filling director positions for fall semester

By Rachel Cormier, News Reporter | April 20, 2023

DeKALB — NIU has seen a number of its director positions vacant throughout the year, leading faculty and students to question when they will be filled and what is being done in the meantime. Current vacant roles have included the director of the...

SGA Senators Edwin Perez-Hernandez (left), Atlas Babcock, Princess Rogers, Arianna Ramos, Alexia Musgraves and Debbie Allen discussing the meaning of diversity. The senators were disappointed with the outcome of the SGA petition for Black students. (Caleb Johnson | Northern Star)

SGA’s DEI comments on failed petition, discuss future

By Caleb Johnson, Lifestyle Writer | March 19, 2023

DeKALB – The Student Government Association’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee hosted a panel that touched on the failure of the recent petition for Black students and to get feedback and encourage conversation between SGA representatives...

Center for Black Studies launches study abroad program to Jamaica

By Ashley Dwy | January 30, 2020

DeKALB — The Center for Black Studies developed a partnership between NIU and Mico University College, located in Kingston, Jamaica, to launch a study abroad program in Jamaica. The program will take six to 15 students and will run from June 20 to July...

Attendees listen as Trevada Redmond, of DeKalb, asks police leadership how they plan to hold themselves and their officers accountable.

Police chief promises daily updates on arrest statistics at community meeting

By Noah Thornburgh | September 5, 2019

At a community meeting Wednesday night, DeKalb Police Chief John Petragallo agreed to post a daily breakdown of arrests by race and economic status to the department’s social media, following a demand by a resident.DeKalb community members filled New...

Common Core needs to be revamped

By Noah Thornburgh | February 14, 2019

If education is about raising humans, then the Common Core needs a revamp. Otherwise, the next generation may be more machine than man.The Common Core State Standards Initiative started in 2010 as a way to promote country-wide learning standards for K-12...