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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Vegetarian. vegan groups to raise funds at concert Monday

By Jerene-Elise Nall | March 28, 2012

Musicians Aaron Yarmel and Heather Zinninger will hold a benefit concert for the NIU Vegetarian Education Group and Justice for Animals. The event will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the newly-renovated Cole Hall auditorium. Admission is free, but attendees...

Jon Bockman of St. Charles, 28, NIU Alumnus and Executive
Director of Justice for Animals, hands out Vegan Outreach pamphlets
Wednesday near DuSable Hall to raise awareness about animal

Vegan activist talks animal rights, activism

By Hailey Kurth | February 5, 2012

NIU alumnus Jon Bockman, executive director of Justice for Animals and founder of AllVeg Delights, handed out pamphlets about animal cruelty to students in front of Cole Hall Wednesday. Bockman aimed to shed light and awareness on animal cruelty and the...

Students view bloody documentary for money

By Drew Veskauf | February 10, 2011

DeKALB | Students were able to earn a dollar for viewing a documentary on the horrors of factory farming Wednesday afternoon. The Vegetarian Education Group partnered with DeKalb County's Justice For Animals to share a stand in the Holmes Student Center...