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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Karmin wins Women Who Rock

Karmin wins Women Who Rock

By Kevin Bartelt | October 3, 2012

When you see a short white girl from Nebraska who enjoys rapping, and her hairstyle is called a “suicide roll” (which I’m sure you see on a regular basis), is the first thing you think, “That girl rocks?” Me too. Karmin is on the cover of Rolling...

NIU alumni speak to students about about comedy writing career

By Kevin Bartelt | October 1, 2012

Two NIU alumni, Damon Royster and Matt Solomon, spoke to students about their careers as comedic writers Sept. 27 in the Campus Life Building. Royster took writing classes at Second City in Chicago and was a writer for the production Udderball, which...

No Doubt finally pushes, shoves back to the top

By Kevin Bartelt | September 25, 2012

The blonde, bodacious No Doubt released its sixth studio album, Push and Shove, Tuesday. The band has not recorded an album since Rock Steady in 2001. According to a Sept. 24 interview on, No Doubt’s influence for the new album was their favorite...

Dance companies perform inspirational, powerful art

By Kevin Bartelt | September 17, 2012

What do sunglasses, chaos and a paralyzed artist have in common? Ballet. That’s right. Modern dance and contemporary ballet can take simple phrases and transform them into powerful art. Last weekend, Danszloop Chicago and Collective Body Dance Lab presented...

Chipotle Cultivate Festival gives demonstrations on healthy eating

By Kevin Bartelt | September 16, 2012

I spent a beautiful Saturday afternoon in Chicago eating great food. What makes me any different from 2.7 million other Chicagoans? I learned where my food came from, how it was raised and how the farmers took care of the livestock. The second annual...