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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Lance Armstrong doesn’t deserve harsh criticism

By Cody Laplante | January 21, 2013

Days before the new year, USA Today writer Sharon Jayson dubbed 2012 as the “Year of the Cheater.” Among the participants of this allegation were David Petraeus’ love affair, the Goldman Sachs investment scam and of course the recently uncovered...

A true lesson in giving up

A true lesson in giving up

By Troy Doetch | August 29, 2012

When I first heard the news that Lance Armstrong, seven-time time Tour de France winner, ended his fight against doping allegations in a statement on Monday, like many of you, my first reaction was, “What am I supposed to do with my Livestrong gel bracelet?”...