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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU students, family and friends of Steven Agee gather in November 2012 for a candlelight vigil in remembrance of Agee. Agee, a student at NIU, died in an off-campus shooting on Nov. 23, 2011.

Community holds memorial for Agee

By Gino Hernaiz | November 19, 2012

Larry Bolles told people at the memorial for Steven Agee II not to cry. The former director of Community Standards and Student Conduct said Agee would have wanted all of the attendees to smile. The memorial, held Monday at the corner of Edgebrook Drive...

NIU President John G. Peters greets people after his State of the University Speech in front of Altgeld Hall Thursday afternoon.

Community members applaud Peters amid news he is stepping down

By Felix Sarver and Joe Palmer & Kelly Bauer | October 12, 2012

NIU President John Peters has announced he will step down. Peters, who was appointed in 2000, has served NIU for over a decade and has seen the university through glory and hardships: he worked to obtain a $4.2 million federal grant for NIU’s Physics...

Dr. Larry Bolles, director of the Office of Community Standards & Student Conduct, will be retiring at the conclusion of the school year after over 30 years at NIU.

Larry Bolles to retire after 34 years at NIU

By Chelsey Boutan | April 25, 2012

After finding out that he’s retiring, Larry Bolles said students stop by his office almost every day with one pleading request: “Please don’t go. What are we going to do without you?” “That tells you that you must have done something right,”...

Harold Raddle Jr., fourth year mechanical engineering major, wears a hoodie at the vigil for Trayvon Martin Friday afternoon.

Community members gather for Trayvon Martin vigil

By Hailey Kurth | April 1, 2012

Over 75 people gathered at the MLK commons Friday afternoon to remember the life of Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old boy who was shot and killed in a gated Florida community last month. Hoodie-filled vigils for Martin like this one have occurred around the...

‘The big bad bully’: Cyberbullying on campus

By Chelsey Boutan | March 21, 2012

Cara Pines* was excited to get an apartment with her friend. But when disagreements arose regarding who would get the attached bathroom, Pines decided not to sign the lease. Soon after, her friend became upset and started bullying Pines over Facebook...

Hazing taken seriously at NIU

Hazing taken seriously at NIU

By Chelse Boutan | December 4, 2011

When a student came to class exhausted and wasn't acting like his normal self, a professor noticed and asked, "Why are you looking like this?" "I'm pledging," he answered. The professor suspected that the student might have been hazed and alerted Larry...

DeKalb County Community Foundation works to help non-profit organizations

By Felix Sarver | November 30, 2011

The DeKalb County Community Foundation (DCCF) is a powerful ally of non-profit organizations in the DeKalb County area. The goal of DCCF is to distribute funds through the county to enhance and promote the quality of life in different communities, said...

Agee remembered fondly by staff

By Matt Liparota | November 29, 2011

Standing in Kishwaukee Memorial Hospital early Wednesday morning, Larry Bolles said he could see how much senior sociology major Steven Agee II meant to some people at NIU. As news spread of Agee's fatal shooting, which occurred at a party at 809 Edgebrook...

Homecoming weekend is ‘peak time’ for reported drug and alcohol violations

By Chelsey Boutan | October 12, 2011

Junior kinesiology major Anthony Nielsen realizes not drinking alcohol - especially during homecoming week - makes him somewhat of an anomaly among many college students. Nielsen said he doesn't drink because he's seen what people do when they are intoxicated....

Self plagiarism becomes new violation in Student Code of Conduct

By Amy Kreeger | October 28, 2010

Self plagiarism, a new concept for most students and a good portion of faculty, is a violation that was added in the recent revisions of the Student Code of Conduct. "I have no idea what self plagiarism even is," said Alex Poderys, junior political science...