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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Camp Power cuts University Village arrests in half

By Leah Nicolini | November 12, 2015

A two-year DeKalb police initiative has reduced arrests in University Village by half.The Camp Power program reduced arrests by 48.6 percent in University Village, 722 N. Annie Glidden Road, from 2014, said DeKalb Police Chief Gene Lowery during City...

20K grant kickstarts Camp Power for kids

By Rhea Riley | July 6, 2014

After receiving a grant from General Mills, the community has come together to create a summer camp for children living in the University Village Apartments, 722 N. Annie Glidden Rd.Camp directors Mary Hess, Lisa Cummings and Nancy Prange applied for...

DeKalb in second place in ‘Bully’ premiere online campaign

By Melissa Mastrogiovanni | March 25, 2012

Last week, partners of MTV launched an online campaign to encourage community members to vote in a contest which would allow DeKalb to premiere a documentary about bullying. The film, Bully, is an independent documentary that follows the lives of five...