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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Northern Star contributor Jack Baudoin (back) stands in front of the Washington Monument with his grandfather, James Hill, April 20 in Washington D.C.

That time I was my grandfather’s guardian for a veteran’s honors flight

By Jack Baudoin, Lifestyle writer | January 22, 2020

Northern Star contributor Jack Baudoin (back) stands in front of the Washington Monument with his grandfather, James Hill, April 20 in Washington D.C.

That time I ... lived in four different time zones

That time I … lived in four different time zones

By Anthony Parlogean | October 27, 2019

Nevada; Michigan; Texas; Arizona; Maryland; Illinois. These are all the states I have lived in throughout my 26 years of existence. Each state had its pros and cons, but the overall experience of living around the country has shaped who I am as a person:...

Missionary holding book of mormon

That time I… served a two-year religious mission

By Anthony Parlogean | September 9, 2019

Apprehension filled my mind as I walked up the porch steps of the house. After I knocked on the door, I stepped back and shot a glance at the 19-year-old who stood by my side. He was the missionary companion I’d been assigned to; he was wearing a white...

Employers asking for passwords akin to sniffing undies

By Dave Gong | March 27, 2012

I don’t really remember life without a computer. By any estimate, I have been online since 1993. Seriously, I learned to type before I learned how to ride a bike. Similarly, a generation is fast coming of age that won’t be able to remember a time...