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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Interning worth lost free time

By Matthew Flores | April 13, 2014

Sacrificing time from your summer for an internship will benefit you in the long run.Every year students leave after their final exams to go home, take summer jobs or travel. They should use that time to gain experience that may get them a better career.“Internships...

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn delivers the State of the State address to a joint session of the General Assembly in the House chambers at the Illinois State Capitol Wednesday in Springfield

Gov. race worth your time

By Matthew Flores | March 26, 2014

Come November, Illinois will decide if Gov. Pat Quinn will stay in office or if the torch will pass to Republican businessman Bruce Rauner.Whatever your political affiliation, the opportunity to vote is a right many in the world do not possess and not...

InFocus: What should change in the SA?

By Perspective Staff | March 23, 2014

Jeremiah CaterinaThe next Student Association leaders need to communicate more with the student body. I think this should be accomplished in two ways.First, our student leaders need to utilize more technology to reach out to students. Each executive position...