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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

SA votes, fills 5 vacant positions

By Maxwell Bisaillon | February 8, 2016

Clarification: The Northern Star reported the Student Association Senate heard a presentation by each senator at large candidate then held a closed-door discussion and vote.To clarify, each senator at large candidate was asked to leave the room, but the...

Student Association senators speak at the SA Senate meeting Sunday at the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room. The SA constructed a letter to the City Council addressing issues with an unlawful assemblies ordinance. The Senate voted unanimously on sending the letter to the City Council. Kevin Gordon was voted into the position of election commissioner during the meeting.

Senate halts vote on ordinance

By Maxwell Bisaillon | January 25, 2016

A City Council vote for an unlawful assemblies ordinance was delayed from its original vote today due to the influence of the Student Association Senate.The unlawful assemblies ordinance would regulate and quickly disband gatherings of people if police...

SA closed vote could violate Open Meetings Act

By Keith Hernandez and Maxwell Bisaillon | November 19, 2015

The Student Association Senate plans to take final action on whether or not to remove SA Vice President Reggie Bates from office in a closed session Sunday — an action that could be in violation of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.The SA Senate remained...

Students and community members demonstrate Oct. 29 in the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons for an end to the Illinois budget impasse between Gov. Bruce Rauner and the General Assembly. The Student Association will begin a letter-writing campaign Friday so students can send their grievances to lawmakers. 

SA to hold letter-writing campaign on impasse

By Maxwell Bisaillon | November 12, 2015

The Student Association will begin a letter-writing campaign Friday to encourage students to write to their representatives about MAP grant funding and the budget impasse.SA Senate Speaker Dillon Domke said the campaign was created to provide students...

Students and community members demonstrate Oct. 29 in the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons for an end to the Illinois budget impasse between Gov. Bruce Rauner and the General Assembly. The Student Association will begin a letter-writing campaign Friday so students can send their grievances to lawmakers. 

Students demonstrate for end to budget stall

By Maxwell Bisaillon and Nick Bosshart | November 2, 2015

Dillon Domke, Student Association Senate Speaker, said he will meet with Bethany Vanover, SA Senate Legislative Director, this week to see what the SA’s next steps will be after Thursday’s rally.Approximately 200 students and community members filled...