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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Jerry Burnes, Northern Star-Joann Garcia Hunter, Air Force Staff
Sergeant, takes part in a reenlistment ceremony Friday afternoon.
Hunter's ceremony, typically done informally, closed out the NIU
Veterans Day event outside of Altgeld Hall.

Military Student Services holds Veterans Day ceremony

By Hailey Kurth | November 13, 2011

Veterans, soldiers and supporters gathered Friday for NIU's Veterans Day ceremony held by the NIU Military Student Services in front of the flagpole by Altgeld Hall."Today we celebrate our most noble tradition of fighting for freedom," said Clay Campbell,...

Military Student Services plans food drive for Saturday’s game

August 31, 2011

DeKALB | Military Student Services will hold a canned food drive at Huskie Stadium Saturday.The food drive will be held outside Huskie Stadium before the NIU vs. Army game."We'll be at the east and west entrances of the stadium," said Jennifer Jeffries,...

Ex-military women speak about gender roles, equality in US service

By Alex Fiore | January 27, 2011

The role of women in the in the military was discussed Wednesday evening by a duo of former and current military members who are part of the NIU community. The discussion, titled "Man Up: Rethinking Masculinity in the Military" was held in the Illinois...

Military Student Services comes to NIU

By Jack Baker | September 15, 2010

Samuel Dreyer, freshman pre-physical therapy major, was nervous about his transition from the Marine Corps to NIU. But after meeting with Military Student Services during his orientation, that transition became much easier. "They gave me a packet full...

Military Student services hosts ice cream social

By Sarah Raila | September 9, 2010

The Military Student services held an ice cream social for veterans and students affected by the Feb. 14 tragedy to come together and hang out. The event was held on Thursday from 1-4. It was an open forum for the veterans to come in and get ice cream,...