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The delegate game: Math, timing and how to win a nomination

By SETH BORENSTEIN | January 31, 2020

WASHINGTON (AP) — Winning a party’s presidential nomination is like the children’s board game Chutes and Ladders spiced up with momentum, math and money.In the delegate game, it costs millions to win a nomination and the stakes are huge, but the...

Buttigieg courts ‘future former Republicans’ to expand vote

By THOMAS BEAUMONT | January 31, 2020

WEBSTER CITY, Iowa (AP) — Pete Buttigieg has been talking a lot lately about “future former Republicans.”They are potential Iowa caucus voters disenchanted with President Donald Trump who have gone so far as to change their party affiliation and...

Trump trial could end soon; Alexander says no to witnesses


WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee declared late Thursday night he will oppose calling more witnesses in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, all but dashing Democratic efforts for more testimony and pushing the...

Wary of irking China, Trump offers rosy take on virus threat


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump regaled a friendly New Jersey campaign crowd with his thoughts about with his thoughts about impeachment, the economy, the border wall, local politics and much more.But he was conspicuously quiet Tuesday about...

Trump rails against Democratic rivals ahead of Iowa caucuses

By AAMER MADHANI and KEVIN FREKING | January 30, 2020

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — President Donald Trump lashed out at his top Democratic presidential rivals Thursday, taking his fight to the first-in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa and the crucial battleground state of Michigan.With Democrats set to hold...

Biden, Buttigieg amplify Sanders criticism before Iowa vote


WAUKEE, Iowa (AP) — Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden stepped up their criticisms of Bernie Sanders on Thursday, as moderates are under growing pressure to dull any momentum the progressive senator may gain heading into next week's Iowa caucuses.Biden, a...

Voters’ 2nd choices could be decisive in close Iowa caucuses

By STEVE PEOPLES and WILL WEISSERT | January 30, 2020

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Democratic presidential candidates seeking victory in next week's Iowa caucuses are navigating a field that is so jumbled that voters' second choice could matter almost as much as their first, adding fresh uncertainty and confusion to the final days of the race.

Lower-polling candidates including Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang and Tom Steyer have been approached by multiple campaigns in recent days eager to form an alliance that could reshape Monday's election. Joe Biden's team has been in communication with lower-polling rivals, according to several people familiar with the conversations who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal strategy.

The former vice president's campaign dismisses such reports of potential deal-making as dramatized accounts of business as usual. But the delicate overtures are a test of the leading campaigns' ability to assemble a winning coalition and the capacity of second-tier candidates to stay relevant. And it could be decisive in determining who leaves Iowa with the momentum that will be needed to sustain a long campaign ahead.

“The second-place phenomenon, at least in Iowa, is not a bad thing at all," said Iowa state Sen. Zach Wahls, who supports Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

In contrast to a traditional election, the caucus system works like this: Voters gather at dozens of caucus locations across the state and start the night by pledging support for their preferred candidate. After the initial vote count is taken, voters backing candidates who earn less than 15% are free to shift to other candidates or go home.

While a dozen Democrats are still running for president, just four — Biden, Warren, Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg — have consistently polled above the 15% threshold in Iowa. Still, any of the four could see their support fall short, depending on who shows up to caucus.

As is the case with Biden and others, Warren sees an opportunity to draw significant support from Klobuchar, who has not reached the 15% threshold in polls to date, even as the Minnesota senator's standing appears to have improved in recent weeks.

“It's certainly no secret that Sen. Warren ... has the highest favorables of anybody in the field within Democratic primary voters,” Wahls said. “I can tell you anecdotally that she is the second choice of a lot of Klobuchar supporters.”

Klobuchar's team, aware that she's viewed as a source of second-choice votes from several campaigns, downplayed the possibility of a potential deal when asked about conversations with rival campaigns.

“We've got no plans to cut any deals with anybody because we're going to be viable,” Klobuchar campaign manager Justin Buoen told reporters on Thursday. “We’ve got no plans to tell our supporters what to do.”

Klobuchar's Iowa adviser Norm Sterzenbach said the campaign was more focused on trying to win over supporters of other campaigns.

“Caucusgoers are going to go to their second choice because that's who they like, not because of anything we tell them to do,” he said. “I just think it's a waste of energy for us to focus our time on trying to make deals.”

To say the situation is fluid would be an understatement.

Just four days before the Iowa contest, polling suggests that more than half of the state's likely Democratic voters are open to changing their minds.

Forty-five percent of all likely Democratic caucusgoers named a first choice but said they could be persuaded to support another candidate, and 13% did not indicate a first choice, according to the CNN/Des Moines Register poll conducted earlier this month.

At the same time, history holds few examples of final-days deals between rival campaigns that had a significant effect.

One may be in 2004, when North Carolina Sen. John Edwards and Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich struck a deal to support each other. While Edwards was already surging at the time, the pact was more aimed at hurting former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean.

In the end, Edwards finished a strong second behind Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry and Kucinich finished a distant fifth. Dean finished a disappointing third.

Should history repeat itself in 2020, top-tier campaigns see major opportunity in Klobuchar, who appears to be on the rise yet has struggled to hit the viability threshold. They're also eyeing Tulsi Gabbard, Steyer and Yang, who have been mired in the single digits for months.

Yang acknowledged this week that multiple campaigns have reached out to his team about potential alliances.

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, he said he’s not planning to urge his supporters to head to a specific second choice if he doesn’t make it past the first round of voting.

“Right now we have no guidance for our caucusgoers who don’t find us to be viable," he said, downplaying his ability to direct his voters toward any specific candidate, even if he wanted to.

“The people that support my campaign are very diverse in their leanings," he added. “I frankly think I’d have a hard time getting them to do anything that they weren’t naturally inclined to do."

Yang conceded that Sanders, if anyone, might be best-positioned to inherit his support. And there was anecdotal evidence suggesting Yang was right.

Victor Cornejo, a 45-year-old engineer who attended a Sanders campaign event in Iowa City, said he was still deciding between businessman Yang and Sanders. He guessed he may get the chance to caucus for both if the proceedings go multiple rounds.

“I like Andrew Yang because he has a different approach, and he sees an economic approach to the future. I like the fact that he’s an outsider,” Cornejo said. “Bernie has been around for a while, and there’s some stability in that. And that actually brings some of the trust.”

A Biden aide, meanwhile, privately acknowledged regular conversations with other campaigns, but downplayed reports that Biden was actively trying to cut any deals.

The aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share internal strategy, expressed confidence in Biden's ability to pull from other candidates and pointed to polls suggesting some overlap with Klobuchar and Buttigieg.

While Biden would not confirm his own campaign had conferred with the Yang or Klobuchar teams, he acknowledged that horse-trading is routine in the caucus process.

“Everybody’s looking and says, OK, if your guy doesn't win or your person doesn’t win, who are you gonna go with?” Biden said in Iowa on Thursday.

Sanders' state director Misty Rebik also de-emphasized efforts to woo rival campaigns.

“We are a movement of vote your conscience. We don’t have a strategy of telling people to ‘Go here. Go there,'" Rebik said. “And, in the off chance that that doesn’t work out for us, we expect our voters to do what they do, trust their gut and go for their second choice."


Associated Press writers Hannah Fingerhut in Washington and Thomas Beaumont in Des Moines, Iowa, contributed to this report.

Election officials get training before 2020 voting begins

By CHRISTINA A. CASSIDY | January 30, 2020

WASHINGTON (AP) — When state election officials gathered ahead of the last presidential election, major topics were voter registration, identity theft and ballot design. This year, the main theme is election security.The change since 2016 underscores...

Klobuchar proposes plan to prevent, address global outbreaks

By SARA BURNETT | January 30, 2020

CHICAGO (AP) — Democratic presidential hopeful Amy Klobuchar released a plan Thursday to prevent and respond to global outbreaks like the new virus that has sickened people in China and spread to more than a dozen countries, including the U.S.The World...

Ebenezer pastor Raphael Warnock enters US Senate race

By BEN NADLER | January 30, 2020

ATLANTA (AP) — The Rev. Raphael Warnock, pastor of the Atlanta church where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. preached, announced Thursday he's running for U.S. Senate, challenging recently appointed Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler.With his influential...

Experts on Dershowitz’s impeachment defense: Quid pro whoa

By MARK SHERMAN | January 30, 2020

WASHINGTON (AP) — Alan Dershowitz delivered a stunning defense of President Donald Trump in the Senate that would essentially make it impossible to impeach a president for anything he might do to boost his reelection prospects. It was a contention quickly...

Postal workers union with 200,000 members endorses Sanders

By WILL WEISSERT | January 30, 2020

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Bernie Sanders was endorsed Thursday by the 200,000-member American Postal Workers Union, an influential group that also backed the Vermont senator's presidential bid against Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Democratic presidential...