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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Members of the Faculty Senate sit in banquet style seating at the Jan. 25 meeting at Altgeld Hall in the second floor auditorium. NIU's Faculty Senate discussed which scholarships will be affected by the Supreme Court's decision on affirmative action. (Northern Star File Photo)

Removing affirmative action threatens scholarships

By Kahlil Kambui, Assistant Lifestyle Editor | December 4, 2023

After the Supreme Court’s decision against affirmative action in June 2023, many NIU students are questioning if their scholarships are in jeopardy. The NIU Faculty Senate is discussing which of the race-based scholarships they have to get rid of. The...

Officials expect grant funding

By Clarissa Hinshaw | February 2, 2017

DeKALB — NIU leaders are looking at ways to help students if state lawmakers don’t fund Monetary Award Program Grants, although NIU leaders are confident funding will be passed.For the second year in a row, Illinois is starting a new year without...

NIU Police to seek federal charges against man arrested for bomb hoax

By Alex Chettiath | January 28, 2016

NIU will be pursuing federal charges against the man arrested for the Oct. 8 bomb threat hoax, NIU Police Chief Tom Phillips said at Wednesday’s Faculty Senate meeting.The bomb threat was confirmed at 6:45 p.m. Oct. 8 and NIU Police evacuated and closed...

Faculty Senate discusses state funding

By Alex Fiore | November 17, 2010

The NIU Faculty Senate discussed Vision 2020, teacher quality, and state funding Wednesday afternoon in the Holmes Student Center Sky Room. NIU President John Peters opened the meeting, expressing his concern about the lack of state funding NIU has received...

Faculty Senate President Alan Rosenbaum speaks during the first meeting of the senate Wednesday afternoon in the Holmes Student Center Sky Room.

Faculty Senate discusses strategic plan

By MaryJo Kratochvil | September 1, 2010

Faculty Senate members gathered in the Sky Room in the Holmes Student Center Wednesday to discuss new business and announcements. Alan Rosenbaum, president of the senate, discussed the strategic plan for the enrollment management task force and how it...