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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

40Tude: Students engage with businesses, nonprofits

By Abby Byer | April 26, 2022
40TUDE is a partnership with the Division of Outreach, Engagement and Regional Development and business and nonprofits in the community.
The Free Shoe Closet, 601 Haish Blvd, donates shoes to anyone in need with no qualifications. People can donate their shoes in the bins located outside.

DeKalb nonprofit organization provides shoes to those in need

By Abby Byer | March 24, 2022
The Free Shoe Closet provides free shoes to anyone that needs them. The shoes are donated by residents and can be in any condition.
Public Relations Manager Elizabeth Warner (left), co-founder Kwamayne King and Project Phileo co-founder Brandon Soto (right) play pool Wednesday at American Legion, 1204 S. Fourth St.

Nonprofit promotes community comradery

By Taher Zeitoun | February 6, 2019

Public Relations Manager Elizabeth Warner (left), co-founder Kwamayne King and Project Phileo co-founder Brandon Soto (right) play pool Wednesday at American Legion, 1204 S. Fourth St.

City employee switches focus to nonprofit work

By Fathima Siddiqui | February 4, 2019

DeKALB — Jason Michnick is stepping down from his position as economic planner for the city of DeKalb to become the first executive director of the DeKalb-based Tanzania Development Support [TDS].TDS is a nonprofit organization focused on improving...

Student Spotlight: Junior to use skills to open style boutique, form nonprofit group

By Kristin Maglabe | December 8, 2014

Junior Deandre Turner has done visual merchandising for designer company Dooney and Bourke, he but aims to open his own style boutique in Chicago.Tuner, who majors in textiles, apparel and merchandising and minors in marketing, said he has thought about...

Non-profit looks to add bikes lanes to DeKalb

By Logan Love | February 27, 2013

The Green Paws Environmental Alliance (Green PEA) is working on getting bike lanes installed in and around campus and its H2O to Go initiative. “The university would do well to have bike lanes and try to have a more sustainable campus here,” said...

Public votes Feed ‘Em Soup as winner of new car

By Ryan Felgenhauer | September 28, 2011

Toyota awarded local charity Feed ‘Em Soup a Toyota Sienna Wednesday. Toyota will give away 100 cars to 100 nonprofit organizations based on several criteria. First, Toyota judges chose 500 finalists from the original 3,000 applicants, said Joe Van...