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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star


A first-hand account of living with depression

By Anthony Parlogean | October 30, 2019

“Stop feeling sorry for yourself,” I was told. “There are people far worse off than you.”The world is obviously full of suffering and misery, and someone complaining about feeling “blue” might come across as annoyingly frivolous, but it’s...

U.S should be weary of nuclear insight from North Korea

By Chris Grask | October 14, 2018

North Korea is putting up a façade in front of the world, and Americans should not be buying into it. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Monday that North Korea will allow investigators to view their nuclear sites. North Korea is holding an open...

Fill in the Blank: The idea WWIII is on the way ________?

By Northern Star Staff | May 4, 2017

Recent missile tests conducted by North Korea have put the idea of World War III in the heads of many Americans. ... should concern people.Faith Mellenthin | ColumnistJust as the travel ban affected students at NIU, we should realize that the potential...

Top 5: Head-scratching strange news

Top 5: Head-scratching strange news

By Holly New | September 15, 2013

No. 5: Dennis Rodman returns from North Korea visitDennis Rodman has returned after a four-day trip to North Korea, visiting with dictator Kim Jong Un.In Beijing’s airport, Rodman referred to President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary...

Stupidity claim about Palin is bogus

By Letter Writer | December 2, 2010

What a shocking surprise that Taurean Small doesn't like Sarah Palin. Let me take a wild guess and assume that he is an Obama fan, too. Small pointed out Palin's gaffe regarding "our North Korean ally," then she corrected herself. Obama, however, has...