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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

One Direction in the "History" music video released Tuesday.

History video makes perfect goodbye for One Direction

By Alexis Malapitan | January 27, 2016

One Direction in the "History" music video released Tuesday.

Bieber vs. One Direction

By Northern Star staff | November 16, 2015

Jessica Plessner | @Jess_PlessHands down, Justin Bieber’s “Purpose” blew One Direction’s “Made in the A.M.” out of the water.I can’t help but want to hug Bieber after listening to “Purpose” with its fresh beats, optimistic and encouraging...

Justin Bieber and One Direction coincidentally released their albums, “Purpose,” and “Made in the A.M.” Friday.

Battle of the boy bands

By Alexis Malapitan | November 16, 2015

Justin Bieber and One Direction coincidentally released their albums, “Purpose,” and “Made in the A.M.” Friday.

Tweets: Zayn Malik leaves One Direction and the Internet gets sad — or doesn’t care

By Northern Star staff | March 25, 2015

The music industry took a hard hit when it was announced Wednesday that Zayn Malik has left pop group One Direction.A statement on the band's website states the band will continue with Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson.Here are...