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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Parkland widow renovates home, preserves memories

By KELLI KENNEDY | February 14, 2020

HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (AP) — Debbi Hixon was a bundle of nerves waiting to see the 10-day makeover that had transformed her home. She wasn't concerned about the new kitchen counters or paint colors; the Parkland shooting widow was worried the fancy new decor...

Florida ‘red flag’ gun law used 3,500 times since Parkland

By TERRY SPENCER | February 14, 2020

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — A 23-year-old man who posted on Facebook, “I don't know why I don't go on a killing spree." A West Palm Beach couple who shot up their home while high on cocaine. A 31-year-old Gulf Coast man who pointed a semiautomatic...

Parkland dad apologizes for State of the Union outburst

By TERRY SPENCER | February 5, 2020

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — The father of a student killed in the 2018 Florida high school massacre apologized Wednesday for disrupting President Donald Trump's State of the Union address by shouting as the president said the rights of gun owners are...

The Latest: Michigan Gov. Whitmer delivers response to Trump

February 4, 2020

WASHINGTON (AP) — The latest on the president's State of the Union speech (all times local):11:25 p.m.Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has used Democrats' response to President Donald Trump's State of the Union address to swivel from impeachment to working-class...

Walkout to protest inaction

Walkout to protest inaction

By Editorial Board | March 22, 2018

The Northern Star Editorial Board stands beside the brave individuals who spoke up against gun violence and agrees student participation in walkouts is essential in continuing the dialogue. We stand with students who choose to participate in the national...