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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Harry Potter at the Public Library

By Paul Skager | August 28, 2013

Members of NIU's quidditch club - (left to right) Jackie Fink, sophomore psychology major, Joe Wharram, junior sociology major, Nicole Bruno, sophomore nursing major, Allison McKenzie, junior business administration major, and Katrina Carpenter, senior...

Olive Goyle gets a new head

Olive Goyle gets a new head

By Paul Skager | July 2, 2013

Olive Goyle, the headless grotesque sitting outside Altgeld Hall, received a new head over the weekend, with work done by Vanguard Sculpture Services. Goyle was hit by lightning and fell from Altgeld in 1966. Goyle was placed back on Altgeld in 1967 until...

Greek Fest

Greek Fest

By Paul Skager | July 2, 2013

Danielle McLaughlin (far left), 27, of DeKalb, and Sheree Pinto, 50, of DeKalb, browse the Owl That Glitters stall, owned by Jackie Wolfskill, of DeKalb, Sunday afternoon at the Greek Fest at St. Mary's Catholic Church. The stall was one of a few assorted...