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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU President Doug Baker discusses pension and the statement sent to the Illinois Supreme Court during University Council in May in the Holmes Student Center’s Sky Room.

800 employees expected to retire

By Keith Hernandez | May 4, 2014

NIU is preparing for an estimated loss of 800 or more employees, as the number of retirement applications to the State Universities Retirement System has reached an all-time high.Pension reform — P.A. 98-599 — signed into law Dec. 5 will change the...

Letter shows NIU’s pension worries

Letter shows NIU’s pension worries

By Gavin Weaver | May 1, 2014

Alan Rosenbaum, University Council executive secretary, receives an award from NIU President Doug Baker during his last University Council appearance as executive secretary Wednesday in the Sky Room of the Holmes Student Center. University Council approved a draft statement addressing NIU’s pension worries.

NIU no fan of pension deal

NIU no fan of pension deal

By Kelly Bauer | December 4, 2013

NIU wanted a resolution to the state’s pension crisis, but it doesn’t like the one it got in a controversial reform bill that passed the General Assembly Tuesday.The measure will reduce and, in some instances, skip cost-of-living increases and push...

Pass/Fail: Dragons, Tupac, Hunger Games to appear in spring curriculum, Illinois lawmakers pass pension reform at state workers’ expense

By Danny Cozzi | December 3, 2013

Pass: Dragons, Tupac, Hunger Games to appear in spring curriculumThe College of Education has unveiled 15 intriguing classes that relate to pop culture topics, according to today’s article in the Northern Star.Considering the fact that I spend a rather...

During the open discussion portion of a March 7, 2012, meeting on pension reform, Michael Peddle, assistant dean of academic administration, suggested the state start taxing all pensions in Illinois.

Professors, legislators to meet for pension forum

By James Bartley | November 20, 2013

A town hall-style forum with state legislators on pension reform will be held at noon today in the Holmes Student Center’s Carl Sandburg Auditorium.Representatives Bob Pritchard, Tom Demmer and Mike Fortner will be in attendance, as will Steve Cunningham,...

Editorial: Pension reform needs to look at big picture

By Northern Star Editorial Board | March 18, 2012

Six to eight times more retirements this year than in any other, $85 billion in unfunded liability, 50th out of all the U.S. states in adequate financing - this is what Illinois’ government has done to the pension system. Gov. Pat Quinn discussed the...

During the open discussion portion of a March 7, 2012, meeting on pension reform, Michael Peddle, assistant dean of academic administration, suggested the state start taxing all pensions in Illinois.

Fixing the future: Pensions

By Kelly Bauer | March 7, 2012

One man stood before a microphone, cleared his throat and faced a roomful of anxious NIU faculty and staff. During Wednesday’s 90-minute meeting on pension reform, NIU President John Peters and Steve Cunningham, vice president of Human Resources and...