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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Latest: Sanders: Democrat with most delegates should win

February 19, 2020

LAS VEGAS (AP) — The latest on the 2020 presidential campaign and Democratic debat e (all times local):8 p.m.Bernie Sanders is the only Democratic candidate on the debate stage who thinks the candidate with the most delegates should win the party’s...

The Latest: Sanders claims Bloomberg will not excite voters

February 16, 2020

LAS VEGAS (AP) — The Latest on the 2020 presidential campaign (all times local):10:40 p.m.Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders laced into billionaire former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg at a Democratic Party dinner in Las Vegas while Bloomberg was campaigning...

Feds probing how personal Medicare info gets to marketers

By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR | February 14, 2020

WASHINGTON (AP) — A government watchdog is launching a nationwide probe into how marketers may be getting seniors’ personal Medicare information aided by apparent misuse of a government system, officials said Friday.The audit will be formally announced...

Trump’s $4.8 trillion budget proposal revisits rejected cuts

By ANDREW TAYLOR | February 10, 2020

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump unveiled a $4.8 trillion election year budget plan on Monday that recycles deep, previously rejected cuts to domestic programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and housing as the recipe for wrestling the federal budget...