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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Studying abroad can grant life skills

Studying abroad can grant life skills

By Payton Higgins | October 14, 2019

Attending a university or college can offer a wide range of opportunities for academic and personal growth. One resource that allows for substantial development is study abroad programs. Studying abroad allows students the opportunity to earn class credit...

Former students, colleagues remember late professor Philip Gray

Former students, colleagues remember late professor Philip Gray

By Maddie Barrett | September 19, 2019

DeKALB — Colleagues of Philip Gray remember him with a delightful sense of humor, as a motivating teacher and a professional within the Department of Communication.Gray, former assistant chair of the Department of Communication and award winning professor...


Grading scales do not reflect student performance

By Anthony Parlogean | September 16, 2019

There are two types of grading scales utilized by professors: the plus-minus grading scale and the traditional grading scale. The plus-minus scale is no more efficient than the traditional grading scale is. In fact, neither grading scale is entirely effective...

David J. Gunkel, professor of communication studies and author of “Robot Rights,” holds a book talk and argues if robots should have moral or legal standing Wednesday in the Founders Memorial Library.

Rights of robots need discussion

By Noah Thornburgh | February 11, 2019

Yelling at Siri, kicking a Roomba, throwing a Jibo; what it means for these to be right or wrong was the topic of a book talk with professor of media studies David J. Gunkel from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday at the 71 North space in Founders Memorial Library....

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Students with disabilities deserve the same job opportunities as all other students

By Lisa Lillianstrom | November 11, 2018

Students go to college to plan for the future, and after graduation, all students should have equal opportunities for a good career, even those with disabilities.Only 18.7 percent of people with a physical or mental disability were employed in 2017, contrasting...

Mandatory attendance increases student sickness

By Chris Grask | October 3, 2018

Strict attendance policies coupled with bad student health are forcing sick students to attend classes when they should be at home resting. Professors forcing students to attend every class, regardless of circumstances, pushes ill students to drag themselves...

NIU needs more gender-neutral bathrooms on campus

By Chris Grask | September 16, 2018

All Gender bathrooms are on campus and students may have stepped into them without noticing.There are 30 all gender bathrooms with most of them residing in Grant residence hall. Yet most of the academic halls are empty of all gender bathrooms, according...

Flames engulf the experience of welcome week

By Afia Jones | September 6, 2018

 After a week of ice breakers, packets of syllabuses and personal introductions that you’ve reiterated so much it feels like you’ve memorized a script containing your major, year and hometown, we can all rejoice that it is finally over.Hopefully,...

An Open Letter to Incoming Freshmen

By Maddie Barrett | August 27, 2018

Dear incoming freshmen,This is your time. You can finally achieve the goals you’ve always wanted, step outside of your comfort zone and meet new people. You’re going to have so much fun, believe me.College isn’t all fun and games, though. It takes...

Presidential process incites debate

By Northern Star staff | July 30, 2018

DeKALB — Former State Senator Robert W. Pritchard and student Nathan Hayes were sworn in as trustees by Chairman Wheeler Coleman July 16.“I look forward to putting the experiences I’ve had over the last fifteen years in the legislature working on...

In Focus: What are your plans, goals and advice for winter break?

In Focus: What are your plans, goals and advice for winter break?

By Perspective Staff | December 7, 2014

Blake GlossonOver break, I will do job shadowing, prepare to lead a young adult’s ministry at my church and I might even do some laundry once or twice.But, let’s be honest, what would I actually accomplish by describing my winter plans to you? Unless...