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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Dance Marathon aims to raise $40K

By Northern Star Staff | November 17, 2014

Students can participate in a dance marathon Sunday to raise money for kids in need.The Panhellenic Council and the Public Relations Student Society of America will host their second annual dance marathon 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday in the Holmes Student...

Flash mob aims to raise awareness for Feed ’em Soup

By Kelly Bauer | April 29, 2012

Friday was thriller night. Or day, seeing as how Feed ’em Soup’s flash mob took place at 10:50 a.m. in the MLK Commons. About 10 students danced to various Michael Jackson songs, including “Thriller,” as part of an awareness event for the organization....

Feed ’em Soup, APO, PRSSA to host week-long event

By Felix Sarver | April 23, 2012

Feed ’em Soup is sharing its unique services in DeKalb this week. The non-profit community project does not merely put food on the tray and usher people out the door when the service is over, said Derek Gibbs, Feed ’em Soup marketing and branding...