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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Huskie Pups may come back after spring break

By Frank Gogola | February 5, 2015

NIU will decide in the coming weeks when it will bring the Huskie Pups out of hibernation, although Brett Williams, Student Association director of Mass Transit, said he would “be leaning toward after spring break.”Belinda Roller, an Architectural...

Michael Herrera, senior political science major, looks out the window of the Huskie Pup Tuesday. The shuttles run on the sidewalks between the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons and Recreation Center. Three more Pups will be added.

More Huskie Pups to be added

By Margaret Maka | October 8, 2014

Three $18,500 Huskie Pups are expected to roll into campus in the coming weeks after the university’s first 11-passenger shuttle was debuted Friday.The first Pup will ideally run 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, said Belinda Roller, an Architectural...