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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Speaker Dallas Douglass reads from the agenda during the SGA senate’s meeting on Friday. The agenda featured a digital public comment from SGA alumn Jacob Burg, who criticized the SGA’s recent actions and performance. (Cheyanne Quintanilla | Northern Star)

Alum criticizes SGA for ‘rash decision making’

By Evan Mellon and Bridgette Fox | April 10, 2023

Clarification: The public comment by Jacob Berg was submitted as an email and read by Speaker Dallas Douglass. DeKALB – The usual calm of the Student Government Association senate’s weekly meeting was disrupted by an alum’s public comment,...

Discussion with SGA and NIU presidents

By Margaret White, Copy Editor | February 27, 2023

DeKALB – NIU President Lisa Freeman and SGA President Raaif Majeed will speak in a new edition of “Conversations that Matter” at 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Holmes Student Center Capitol Room. The event is an open-forum discussion for...

Re-enrollment increases over spring semester

By Evan Mellon, News Reporter | February 2, 2023

DeKALB – The NIU University Council met to discuss the increase of re-enrollment rates and SGA funding. Executive Vice President and Provost Beth Ingram said that the re-enrollment rate for full-time first-year students this spring semester is 88.3%,...

Raaif Majeed, a senior pre-med student majoring in psychology, hopes to push NIU in a new direction and implement changes that will leave a legacy on campus.

SGA presidential candidate hopes to support all students

By Elisa Reamer and Abby Byer | March 29, 2022
Raaif Majeed is running for the president position in the upcoming SGA elections and hopes to push NIU in a new direction.