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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Pass/Fail: Autumn gardens give me fall fuzziness; Sleeved shirts inside Rec are ridiculous

By Angelina McNeela | September 15, 2014

Pass: Autumn gardens give me fall fuzzinessThere is no excuse for students to live off of Ramen noodles for their entire college careers.One of the best parts of the changing weather is waiting for fresh local produce to change from summer to fall selections....

Siew Lian Lim, sculpture graduate student and Buddhist nun,
stands in front of her shadow puppets, which she fashioned from
refuse material such as aluminum cans, food wrappers and

Buddhist nun advocates peace through sculpture

By Chelsey Boutan | November 2, 2011

Sculpture graduate student Siew Lian Lim isn't your typical Buddhist nun. Wearing her traditional gray Sangha robe, Lim scours campus parking lots and dumpsters looking for aluminum cans, food wrappers, Styrofoam and other items that she will later use...