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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Student Association gets more input in NIU's program prioritization

Student Association gets more input in NIU’s program prioritization

By Augustin Zehnder | February 23, 2015

Administrators have agreed to allow for more student participation in program prioritization committees after pushback from the Student Association.An SA Senate resolution that had its first reading Feb. 15 stated the SA’s “diminishing faith in the...

In Focus: What’s the most under-utilized resource in DeKalb?

By Jack Baker | November 3, 2011

Jack Baker Columnist It's kind of amazing how many people don't take advantage of all of the scholarships offered through the scholarship office. There are hundreds of them for just about every major and activity offered at NIU. However, so few people...

Campus Live Radio is a great resource for students

Campus Live Radio is a great resource for students

By Portia Kerr-Newman | February 20, 2011

Every campus has a group of things to compliment the campus, whether they be fraternities, sororities, sports teams or academic programs. But what NIU does not have is its own radio station. Being new to NIU this year, it was somewhat difficult for me...

‘Disfigured,’ Women’s Resource Center take on body image

By Jerene-Elise Nall | November 16, 2010

What is it about the mirror that scares us? Many of us walk through life ashamed of the very body we inhabit, and Disfigured does excellent work of addressing these self-image issues head-on. The Women's Resource Center held a screening Monday evening...