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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Diverse diets are best

Diverse diets are best

By Blake Glosson | February 27, 2014

When it comes to eating on campus, there doesn’t seem to be much diversity in students’ diets.Unfortunately, many students don’t realize the benefits of deviating from eating routines every once in a while. A diverse diet can improve your nutrition...

NIU can help with resolutions

By Jackie Nevarez | January 13, 2014

Going back to school is no excuse to give up on your New Year’s resolutions, as using NIU’s resources can help you accomplish your goals.College life is notorious for its unhealthy eating and drinking habits.Although students can be intimidated by...

Learn to resist lure of buffet

By James Casey | September 17, 2013

When I was 10 years old, I would treat a buffet as a challenge.I would either try to eat more than some of my family members or I would try to beat my own records. I once ate 12 cinnamon rolls at an Old Country Buffet. My family and friends would comment...

Chlorissa Saint Arbor, freshman English and Spanish major and freshman sociology major Jessica Jimenez sit in the Douglas Hall dining area Sept. 9 and enjoy the newly implemented vegetarian menu.

Douglas food caters to vegans, vegetarians

By Jennifer L. Collins | September 16, 2013

While some meat-lovers have balked at new dining options in Douglas, vegetarians have rejoiced.Douglas Hall now serves a vegan/vegetarian menu, and the only time meat is served is when it’s on the hall’s international menu. The vegetarian choices...

From left to right: Aiyana Emsun, sophomore music education
major, senior geology major Will Blair, Sophomore music major
Samantha Raines, and sophomore music major Andrew Voelker eat
dinner in Neptune's all-you-can-eat dining hall in Neptune Central
Monday evening.

Changes to Neptune dining hall procedure designed to reduce waste

By Felix Sarver | January 23, 2012

Students used to serving themselves food at Neptune Hall now will have it served to them. Richard Fritz, director of residential dining, came up with the idea of having meals served to students after studying the amount of food waste last semester, said...

Housing and Dining survey gives students a chance to win prizes

By Juliana Leprich | November 15, 2011

Students still have the opportunity to win prizes by filling out a Housing and Dining survey this week. The Housing and Dining survey gives students the option of different eating locations on campus and then asks them to rate one of those locations based...

Dining halls try to keep up with demand for healthy food options

By Lauren Dielman | October 19, 2011

Freshman OMIS major Nathan Soto said he thinks food options in the dining halls leave something to be desired. "I think they [need healthier options]," Soto said. "I'm a vegetarian, and all they really have for the grill is boca burgers; they will have...

Freshman English major Hantac Chang grabs a piece of fruit while
going through the line in Dog Pound Deli in Douglas Hall.

Pest control: Insects move indoors as winter weather creeps closer

By Andrea Azzo | September 26, 2011

Students eating at cafeterias on campus may have noticed flies buzzing around their food. This problem persists as temperatures drop and fall arrives, said Richard Fritz, residential dining director for Housing and Dining. Fritz said it's a challenge...