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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Elections 2014: Candidate Profiles

By Jon Lindley | October 26, 2014

Candidate for County Board District 5

Name: Stephen Reid

Age: 64

College: NIU

Hometown: Oak Lawn, but moved to DeKalb when he was 17

Goals for Position: He wants to educate the public about the government, state and federal level, inform residents of DeKalb’s wellbeing and show and tell people where their government is lacking. Also, Reid wants schools to do a better job at teaching students about information that will help them later in their lives.

Why Reid is running for this position: He was on the County Board for four years and wants to give back to DeKalb since it has been his home since 1967.

Experience: Reid was a fireman and a paramedic for 30 years and also ran an antique business for 30 years.

Why should people vote for him?:He said he is doing his part for the community and cares about the real issues the community is facing. He said he wants to educate the people on who people should vote for in higher-up positions in government to see the changes the people want.

Civil case fee will fund child custody exchange program

By Alissa Jacob | May 1, 2014

DeKalb County Board approved a Neutral Site Custody Exchange Fund to help the children of divorced parents by keeping the parents apart to prevent conflicts.The fund will collect $8 from the plaintiff and defendant of civil cases, according to minute...

Election Profile: DeKalb County Board District 3

Election Profile: DeKalb County Board District 3

By Jessi Haish | October 15, 2012

DeKalb County Board District 3 - Election Profile Kenneth Andersen Incumbent Party: Republican Age: 69 Hometown: Sycamore Career: Retired Education: Not Available He has stated his main goal as: Start moving people out of Evergreen Village and get them...

DeKalb County Board member, Jeff Metzger Sr. (R-Sandwich)
decided to run for the state House seat in the 90th District.

Metzger sets eyes on state House seat

By Thomas Verschelde | September 19, 2011

DeKalb County Board member, Jeff Metzger Sr. (R-Sandwich) decided to run for the state House seat in the 90th District. Metzger served on the DeKalb County Board for the last six years and worked at Elgin Community College for 32 years. “I am extremely...