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Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The custom light display at the Phi Kappa Psi house.

Junior electrical engineering major lights up fraternity house

By Ali Combs | April 23, 2013

One man, alone, working to light up the school he loves. With determination, a junior electrical engineering major did just that. Ryan Riddel, junior electrical engineering major, created a sound-responsive lighting system from the ground up and installed...

Humans, robotics peacefully coexist at new engineering club

By Sierra Lowe | September 20, 2012

NIU’s first robotics club is creating a buzz in the Engineering Building. The mission of the robotics club is to create a community for technically skilled and motivated students. The club also serves as a forum for the circulation and discussion of...

Engineering students develop technology to aid people with Parkinsons, tremors

By Joe Palmer | April 17, 2012

NIU engineering students use technology to target tremors. A multidisciplinary group of NIU engineering students have banded together to try and make life easier for people with Parkinson’s disease, said project mentor and professor of mechanical engineering...