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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Hong Kong strife hits close to home

By Anthony Parlogean | October 15, 2019

Students on campus should be empathetic toward the plight of Hong Kong protesters because government interference in individual liberties is a growing concern for Americans as well.The demonstrations among Hong Kong citizens that started back in April...

Differing views can coexist, not mix

By Angelina McNeela | October 21, 2014

There’s room for science and religion, but there’s a time and a place for both.Creationist Dave Nutting spoke Monday in the Holmes Student Center about archeological evidence he thinks points toward a great flood. The main question was whether evolution...

Concealed carry shouldn't apply to teachers

Concealed carry shouldn’t apply to teachers

By Aj Edwards | February 10, 2013

Columbine High School, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook Elementary School and NIU. All of these schools are connected in the most tragic of ways. At each of these schools, and sadly many others, student lives were tragically ended through a senseless act of...

Cutting funds for education will raise local taxes

Cutting funds for education will raise local taxes

By Logan Short | March 20, 2011

Gov. Quinn's budget proposal has come under some criticism for its plans to cut $1.3 billion in education. One portion of that cut includes cutting all funding of the state-mandated Regional Offices of Education. If you're like I was and have no clue...

Quinn introduces bill that could reduce number of Illinois school districts

By Danny Ciamprone | March 9, 2011

Gov. Pat Quinn introduced a bill that could cut the number of Illinois school districts from 868 to 300 if passed. Quinn said the bill would save taxpayers $100 million."Those guys must be crazy," said James Briscoe, superintendent of DeKalb School District...

The case for ditching failing grades in class

By Taurean Small | November 30, 2010

West Potomac High School of Fairfax County, Va., has been in the center of the media lately. Quite frankly, receiving nationwide attention (including this column in a university newspaper) is a great achievement. However, most of the attention is negative...

DeKalb School District to receive state funding for updates, expansions

By Allyson Martin | October 24, 2010

With Election Day closing in, the DeKalb School District and other Illinois districts will receive state funding for building updates and expansions. An Oct. 20 press release from Governor Pat Quinn revealed plans to give several Illinois schools a total...