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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Fire Dep. memorial honors those lost on Sept. 11

By Samantha Brockett | September 12, 2012

The DeKalb Fire Department Station 1 held a brief memorial event at 8 a.m. Tuesday for the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The event was held in front of the fire department, their half-staffed American flag nearby. It lasted 15 minutes...

Today is a new day

By Holly New | September 11, 2012

We are a nation divided. Class warfare, political warfare, racial warfare—every time we turn around, we are labeled and divided again. The upcoming election has divided us more than ever. We forget how much we have in common as humans, citizens and...

Top five songs about America

By Alex Fiore | November 10, 2011

Throughout their history, Americans have fought. We've fought other countries, fought for equality and even fought each other. What is important is not the fighting itself, but rather what was being fought for. What we've fought (and continue to fight...

Corporations’ Sept. 11 commercials are inappropriate

By Aaron Brooks | September 13, 2011

This past weekend I was really proud of local governments and community groups throughout this great nation. The numerous community events they planned gave time for us Americans to unite and have fun with our loved ones.Although family time this weekend...

Donna Veeneman performs a Native American ritual Sunday night at
the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of DeKalb, 158 N.First
Street. The church held a multi-faith gathering called September
11: decade of impact, moment of decision.

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship holds multi-faith memorial

By Kelly Bauer | September 11, 2011

Representatives of various religious groups were invited Sunday night to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 158 N. Fourth St. in DeKalb, to take part in "Decade of Impact: A Multi-faith Gathering." The Decade of Impact gathering was a memorial to...

Patrons honor the victims of September 11 at DeKalb Square, 110
N. Fourth Street, by playing drums. The event was hosted by the
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of DeKalb.

Open mic night honors Sept. 11 victims

By Kelly Bauer | September 11, 2011

DeKalb Square Park held an open mic event Sunday afternoon in memory of Sept. 11 victims. Attendees were encouraged to share their thoughts and emotions on the terrorist attacks that occurred 10 years ago. One participant, Rachel McPheeters, English teacher...

In Focus: Sept. 11 Reflections

September 11, 2011

Kiara herring Columnist On Sept. 11, 2001, I sat in my kitchen waiting for my mother to make me a bowl of cereal. I went to the TV to turn on the Power Puff Girls, but it had been left on the news station my father watched the night before. I was looking...

Kishwaukee Hospital holds Sept. 11 memorial

By Brittany Swinton | September 11, 2011

Kishwaukee Community Hospital and the DeKalb and Sycamore Fire Departments joined forces Sunday to sponsor "Honoring the Past," a Sept. 11 memorial service. The event, held in the Healing Gardens at Kish, was attended by numerous area citizens, chaplains,...

Where were you: Students remember Sept. 11

By Faith Healy | September 11, 2011

Ten years later, the Sept. 11, 2011 attacks stand as one of the most devastating attacks to take place on American soil, as well as an event that shocked the entire country. While many students were young and far from the damage that took place that day,...

Kishwaukee Hospital to hold 9/11 blood drive

By Northern Star staff | September 6, 2011

Kishwaukee Community Hospital, 1 Kish Hospital Drive, will hold a blood drive in memory of 9/11 from 1 to 5 p.m. Wednesday.People who wish to donate can sign up online, said Paula von Ende, Director of Volunteer Services for Kishwaukee Community Hospital.The...

How should journalists respond to bin Laden’s death?

By David Thomas | May 2, 2011

Can I celebrate Osama bin Laden's death? This question does not come out of my practicality side, but my philosophical. And it has nothing to do with my patriotism, but with my desired career path as a journalist. As a journalist, I am supposed to remain...

What’s terrorism, and how should the U.S. respond 9 years after 9/11?

By Adam Brown | September 12, 2010

Terrorism as a force, is an idea has existed in many forms for decades--or centuries--depending on how one looks at it. It has no nationality, ethnicity or race. There has existed church-sanctioned terrorism throughout the Middle Ages, Buddhist car bombers...