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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Safe Passage has two upcoming events this month to uplift survivors and to fundraise for their own organization. | (Getty Images)

Safe Passage stands by survivors in upcoming events

By Joseph Howerton, Video Editor | April 14, 2023

DeKALB – Across the country, sexual assault and domestic abuse is an all-too-common occurrence that must be actively fought against. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a time to acknowledge survivors, hear their stories and prevent future assaults. Safe...

SA launches #ProjectOrange to target domestic violence and sexual assault awareness

SA launches #ProjectOrange to target domestic violence and sexual assault awareness

By Sophia Mullowney | February 21, 2019

Junior hospitality major Tori McCracken (from left), senior nursing major Ariel Tate, freshman nursing major Starr Scott, Jameria Washington, freshman early education major, and junior hospitality major Tatyana Coleman pose for a picture in the Holmes Student Center Sky Room during the #ProjectOrange launch Tuesday.

Survivor to educate students

By Northern Star Staff | April 3, 2017

DeKALB | NIU graduate student Karli Johnson will give an interactive presentation called "Asking for It."The event will run from 6 to 8 p.m. tonight in the Holmes Student Center, Capitol Room.This will kick off a series of events created for Sexual Assault...

Safe Passages to hold Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

By Northern Star staff | February 18, 2016

Safe Passage will hold Walk a Mile in Her Shoes April 2 in honor of sexual assault awareness month, according to a Safe Passage flier.Safe Passage is the only rape crisis center in DeKalb County.The Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event will be done in heels....

Health Enhancement to hold two more Sexual Assault Awareness Month events

By Northern Star staff | April 24, 2015

Health Enhancement will hold two more events in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.Take Back the Night and Survivor Speak Out starts with a march at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Congregational United Church of Christ, 615 N. First St. The march will be...

Karli Johnson to speak at CAB’s Break the Silence

By Northern Star staff | April 13, 2015

Alumna Karli Johnson will speak at the Campus Activities Board's Break the Silence event.The event is 9-11 p.m. Tuesday in the Holmes Student Center, Carl Sandburg Auditorium. The event is part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.Johnson also spoke at Take...

CNN Hero of the Year to talk at NIU

By Northern Star Staff | April 16, 2014

Malya Villard-Appolon, 2012 CNN Hero of the Year, will visit NIU Tuesday.Villard-Appolon will speak at noon in the Regency Room at the Holmes Student Center.The associate director of Komisyon Fanm Viktim Pou Viktim, the commision of women victims for...

Documentary to be shown to spread sexual assult awareness

By Allison Krecek | April 16, 2014

Students will learn about sexual assault and its consequences while snacking on something sweet at Thursday’s Divas and Desserts.Attendees may enjoy dessert and light refreshments during a screening of “Red Blooded Men,” which will be followed by...

Cast members of "A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and a Prayer: Writings to Stop Violence Against Women and Girls" rehearse on Saturday afternoon. The benefit perfomance will be Friday April 27 and Saturday April 28 in Cavan Auditorium in Gable Hall. Proceeds will go to Safe Passage of DeKalb.

V-Day NIU to host two-night performance

By Shelby Devitt | April 22, 2012

“The V in V-Day stands for Victory, Valentine and Vagina.” The Woman’s Rights Alliance is hosting a two-night performance of A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and a Prayer: Writings To Stop Violence Against Women and Girls (MMRP) at 7:30 p.m. Friday...