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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

a sign points to the School of Theatre and Dance

SOTD announces production list: New material, classics

By Caleb Johnson, Lifestyle Writer | August 28, 2023

DeKALB – With the 2023-2024 school year upon us, the School of Theatre and Dance has released its show list for the year. According to the SOTD, the schedule includes both classic plays and new adaptations. The first production will open on Sept. 29.  “Rage...

Day 24 and 25 – Some Shakespeare and family time: A first-hand account of studying abroad

By Catherine Carter | August 5, 2019

Day 24: Visiting Shakespeare's hometownHello everyone! It has been another incredibly busy day here in England! Today we went to Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare’s hometown. We spent time walking around and visiting his birthplace, various houses, and...

Day 3 and 4 – Shakespeare and rowing: A first-hand account of studying abroad

By Catherine Carter | July 10, 2019

Hello Huskie nation! I’m sorry for the delay in getting back, but I was sick yesterday and fell asleep before I could write to you all. So I guess now I can talk about two days! Spending the Fourth of July here in England was so weird! For the first...

Heading 'across the pond:' A first-hand account of studying abroad

Heading ‘across the pond:’ A first-hand account of studying abroad

By Catherine Carter | July 1, 2019

 All of my last minute Amazon deliveries are here, my bags are packed, and I’m ready to leave America behind! Well, temporarily at least. My name is Catherine Carter. I am an English major and just finished my freshman year here at NIU. I am also...

Director brings modern twists

By Hayden Perkins | March 6, 2017

The lights came up, revealing the cast of “Romeo & Juliet” in the heat of combat in the School of Theatre and Dance’s main-stage production.The Montague and Capulet children exchanged blows, their swords ringing throughout the auditorium like...

Meg Ryan (left), Carroll Furlough (middle) and Cooper Smith act
out The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare at The O'Connell
Theatre Wednesday evening.

School of Theater and Dance performs ‘Macbeth’

By Sarah Contreras | February 15, 2012

The King Is Dead.And so is Banquo, so is Cawdor and so is everybody else. Why all of this death?Because the NIU School of Theater and Dance's production of Macbeth has hit the stage.Long proclaimed as Shakespeare's bloodiest, most brutal play, Macbeth...

In this Nov. 12 file photo, fans in the student section react
after Nebraska defeated Penn State 17-14 in an NCAA college
football game in State College, Pa. Penn State was playing for the
first time in decades without former head coach Joe Paterno, after
he was fired in the wake of a child sex abuse scandal involving a
former assistant coach. As Penn State leaves a harrowing week
behind and takes tentative steps toward a new normal, students and
alumni alike wonder what exactly that means.

NIU reacts to Penn State scandal

By Chelsey Boutan | November 21, 2011

When Jon Hohnstadt heard that Penn State students knocked over a news van while protesting the firing of football coach Joe Paterno, he said he understood how they felt. Hohnstadt said it's great to have free press, but when something negatively impacts...

School of Theatre and Dance presents the Bard with song, dance, hippies

By Jessica Cabe | October 21, 2011

Shakespeare has been done before but never quite like this. The Winter's Tale opened Thursday in O'Connell Theatre in the Stevens Building. Performances are 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. The tragicomedy follows King Leontes of Sicilia...