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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A medical professional consults a patient while arrows point to cartoons of a heart, medicine and a thermometer. Opinion Columnist Sofia Didenko encourages students to get a checkup in order to prevent the spread of sickness come this winter season. (Jackson Shields | Northern Star)

Get a checkup this sniffly season

By Sofia Didenko, Assistant Opinion Editor | October 9, 2024

As the cold weather settles in, it's hard to ignore the increasing number of sniffles emerging in the classroom. For students living in residence halls and attending crowded classes, the close environment at NIU can make it all too easy for a common cold...

Sleep deprivation could have scary consequences

By Anthony Parlogean | October 9, 2019

Crazy schedules and heavy workloads for college students make the infamous all-nighter inevitable, but a lack of sleep has detrimental effects, both physically and mentally, and may be literally killing you.Americans spend about 36 years of their life...

Mandatory attendance increases student sickness

By Chris Grask | October 3, 2018

Strict attendance policies coupled with bad student health are forcing sick students to attend classes when they should be at home resting. Professors forcing students to attend every class, regardless of circumstances, pushes ill students to drag themselves...

Vomiting much? Then don’t come to class

Vomiting much? Then don’t come to class

By Phil Case | October 4, 2010

We all know how zombie epidemics start. Some weird virus breaks out and spreads rapidly as the infected undead wander aimlessly amongst unsuspecting civilians. As unrealistic as such scenarios may seem, I am starting to see some disconcerting similarities...