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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Cops: DeKalb woman drove car into Smoker’s World, was allegedly intoxicated

By Keith Hernandez | September 12, 2014

A DeKalb woman drove a Honda Accord into Smoker's World early Friday, police say.Sgt. Jim Haacker said Patricia Racine, 52, of DeKalb, was intoxicated when she drove the car into the shop, 818 Lincoln Highway, at about 10:12 a.m.Racine attempted to flee...

Smokers find money-saving alternatives

By Ryan Chodora | January 21, 2013

Rolling cigarettes makes high prices and taxes on smoking a thing of the past. Rolling cigarettes with pipe tobacco is a cheaper alternative than buying retail cigarettes. The average pack of cigarettes costs $6.94 with taxes in Illinois, while rolling...

Several local businesses drop sale of products containing cannaboids

By Dan Martynowicz | November 10, 2011

Some area businesses have stopped selling scented potpourri and incense containing synthetic cannabinoids. Huskie's Tobacco, 1023 W. Hillcrest Drive, pulled all related products from its shelves in direct response to police action in Rockford, said owner...

Muhammad Mustafa, owner of Smokers World, 818 W. Lincoln
Highway, holds up a canister of Purple Magic.

Puffing Purple Magic

By Dan Martynowicz | October 19, 2011

Over the past two years, several bills passed through the Illinois state government banning synthetic Marijuana, yet the drugs remain on store shelves. Rep. Bob Pritchard (R-Hinckley) said the problem lies with both FBI regulations and the producers of...

Black Mamba to be banned Jan. 1

By Shadonna Merriweather | November 28, 2010

An herbal blend that gets users high and is currently legal in Illinois will be banned starting Jan. 1, and local merchants that sell the substance are responding to the ban. "Both students and people from the town buy it to smoke it," said Abraham Mustafa,...