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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU response to shooting aimed for accuracy, quick delivery

By Thomas Verschelde | November 30, 2011

Both on and off-campus public relations practitioners agree NIU succeeded in its response to Wednesday's shooting at 809 Edgebrook Drive.Kathy Buettner, vice-president of University Relations, said the first thing the university had to deal with was determining...

Ryan Agee holds his head in his hands as his mother, Kimberly
Agee, checks in on him during a memorial ceremony for his brother,
Steven Agee II, who was killed on Nov. 23 in an off-campus

Campus honors shooting victim at vigil

By Chelsey Boutan | November 29, 2011

As a slideshow played showing pictures of Steven Agee II, some students started crying when the last two slides appeared. "We will never forget 11-23-11...and though we must say goodbye we will never forget you," they read. More than 600 members of the...

Agee remembered fondly by staff

By Matt Liparota | November 29, 2011

Standing in Kishwaukee Memorial Hospital early Wednesday morning, Larry Bolles said he could see how much senior sociology major Steven Agee II meant to some people at NIU. As news spread of Agee's fatal shooting, which occurred at a party at 809 Edgebrook...

Thrailkill’s attorney files for bond reduction

By Dave Gong | November 28, 2011

The attorney for the man charged with the murder of NIU student Steven Agee II, 22, filed a motion for bond reduction at a hearing Monday. Kenneth Johnson, attorney for Chaz Thrailkill, 19, of Markham, also filed a motion for discovery, as well as a motion...