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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

An NIU police car parked on campus. NIU Police Chief Darren Mitchell is set to create a 3 year strategic plan.

Future NIU Police strategic plan to set modern-day policing criteria

By Abby Byer | April 18, 2022
Though not drafted yet, NIU Police Chief wants to create a strategic plan that will benefit the police force and community.
City of DeKalb is working to rework and improve The 2025 Strategic Plan.

Public gets first peek at city’s proposed financial plan on Monday

By Parker Otto | March 7, 2022
A new plan will be discussed on March 14 that will replace the current 2025 Strategic Plan that will cover economic growth.
DeKalb resident Jack Reich speaks during the public participation portion of the City Council Strategic Plan Meeting on Thursday. Reich called for more boldness from the Council, urging them to create more concrete plans. He commended the Council for including the public in the meeting and the formation of the plan when he said, "I am proud to be a part of tonight."

DeKalb plan not reaching city residents

By Leah Nicolini | January 19, 2016

DeKalb resident Jack Reich speaks during the public participation portion of the City Council Strategic Plan Meeting on Thursday. Reich called for more boldness from the Council, urging them to create more concrete plans. He commended the Council for including the public in the meeting and the formation of the plan when he said, "I am proud to be a part of tonight."

Faculty Senate President Alan Rosenbaum speaks during the first meeting of the senate Wednesday afternoon in the Holmes Student Center Sky Room.

Faculty Senate discusses strategic plan

By MaryJo Kratochvil | September 1, 2010

Faculty Senate members gathered in the Sky Room in the Holmes Student Center Wednesday to discuss new business and announcements. Alan Rosenbaum, president of the senate, discussed the strategic plan for the enrollment management task force and how it...