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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Faculty Senate touch on current topics, including student health insurance change

Faculty Senate touch on current topics, including student health insurance change

By Kierra Frazier | November 29, 2018

Faculty Senate members gathered in the Holmes Student Center Skyroom for the final senate meeting of the semester Thursday.

Board of Trustees committee approves $616 student health insurance increase

By Northern Star staff | February 26, 2015

The Board of Trustees Finance, Facilities and Operations Committee approved a recommendation to increase student health insurance from $744 per semester to $1,052 at a Thursday meeting.The increase would be NIU’s second major health insurance fee increase...

Student health insurance fees to increase

By Linze Griebenow | February 20, 2012

Beginning in Fall 2012, student health insurance fees will rise by $146.At a Feb. 15 Board of Trustees meeting, Board Vice Chair Robert Boey said a "major contributor" to the fee increase is the "dramatic" 17.9 percent rise in health insurance premiums...