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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

By Alex LaBee | February 19, 2014

NIU announces selection of new ombudsperson

By Northern Star Staff | August 30, 2012

The new ombudsperson for NIU will be Sarah Klaper, according to an NIU Today. Before beginning work at NIU, Klaper previously worked at DePaul University in Chicago for the College of Law, according to the NIU Today article. She taught courses in school...

Faculty Senate discusses academic summer session, grade change proposal

By Lauren Dielman | April 25, 2012

At its last meeting of the semester, Faculty Senate discussed the academic summer session, a grade change proposal and online teaching evaluations. One of the most highly debated topics of the night was the academic summer session. Faculty Senate President...

University Council to address concerns from students with disabilities

By Kelly Bauer | March 21, 2012

During Wednesday’s University Council meeting, Greg Long said students with disabilities have come to him with troubling news. Long, NIU Chair of the Presidential Commission on Persons with Disabilities, reported that professors have publicly disclosed...

NIU ombudsman announces retirement

By Northern Star Staff | February 22, 2012

The retirement of Ombudsman Tim Griffin was announced at Wednesday’s University Council meeting. Griffin said he has worked at NIU as the ombudsman for 21 years. He said his retirement came as he is “maxed out in the retirement system” and seeking...

Tim Griffin has been working as NIU's Ombudsman since 1991. The Office of the Ombudsman helps NIU students, faculty and staff with their problems.

Provide info for Ombudsman review until March 1st

By Northern Star Staff | February 1, 2011

DeKalb | Students, faculty and staff are invited to provide information regarding the annual Ombudsman review through March 1, according to an NIU press release. The NIU University Affairs Committee of the University Council will conduct the review of...

Tim Griffin has been working as NIU's Ombudsman since 1991. The Office of the Ombudsman helps NIU students, faculty and staff with their problems.

Ombudsman provides advice to NIU students

By Jacqueline Evans | September 26, 2010

DeKALB | When problems arise, students may seek out unbiased advice on solutions to problems. The Office of the Ombudsman provides an environment where students and faculty alike can receive options and strategies for a solution. Located on the sixth...

Success tips for NIU

By Tim Griffin | August 19, 2010

Greetings from the Ombudsman! Welcome to all members of the NIU community from the staff in the Office of the Ombudsman! For those of you who may not know, the Ombudsman serves as a neutral party to provide impartial, confidential, and informal assistance...