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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A brain is surrounded by floating hearts under the words “Look Both Ways” and the topic of the week: Togetherall. Will the new mental health app NIU has partnered with, Togetherall, bring positive change? (Lucy Atkinson | Northern Star)

Look Both Ways: Togetherall

By Camilla Dziadosz and Emily Beebe | March 18, 2024

NIU has added another mental health resource to its repertoire, this time it’s a mental health app called Togetherall.  Togetherall is a mental health app that consists of self-assessments, courses and a message board for students to anonymously...

A Togetherall page asks for a patients concerns. Togetherall is a mental health platform that NIU is partnering with. (Sean Reed | Northern Star)

NIU offers new mental health app for students

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | February 20, 2024

DeKALB – NIU has partnered with a mental health company to provide students with a new resource that can be accessed any time. “Togetherall” is a web platform any NIU student can use if they feel they need someone to talk to. The application is...

Freshman political science major Samantha Mostaert plays with kinetic sand at the Stress Less Zone on the first floor of the Founders Memorial Library. NIU's Counseling and Consultation services advises students to practice destressing activities during finals week. (Sean Reed | Northern Star)

Destressing before the test

By Joseph Howerton, Video Editor | December 10, 2023

DeKALB – The words “finals are coming up” can fill students with a sense of relief that the semester is over or a sense of dread at exams that can make or break their grade. Toward the end of the year, NIU Counseling and Consultation Services...