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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Patrick Sheridan, the president of AFSCME Local 963 labor union criticizes the university's budget cuts for university staff and service workers on Sept. 21 at the Board of Trustees meeting. (Devin Oommen | Northern Star)

NIU board of trustees faces union backlash

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | September 23, 2023

DeKALB – NIU administrative staff union members packed the Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday to express dissatisfaction with existing pay structures. Union members said the university needs to address low wages that lead to difficult decisions...

The entrance to Patterson Hall West. Rises to room and board fees were among the changes voted for approval by the Board of Trustees. (Tim Dodge | Northern Star)

Fees for housing, graduation, student support to rise

By Joseph Howerton, Video Editor | February 19, 2023

DeKALB – Starting the fiscal year of 2024, July 2023, room and board fees for Neptune Hall, Gilbert Hall, Grant Towers, Stevenson Towers and Patterson Hall will increase by $200, and room and board fees for Northern View will increase by $100. Increased...

Forming a union can improve graduate students’ work conditions

By Alma Garcia | January 20, 2020

The enactment of a recent law, allowing graduate students to unionize, is a huge victory for NIU Huskie graduate assistants and for undergraduates who are considering pursuing a graduate degree in the state of Illinois.One of the 250 laws enacted in the...

Letter to the Editor: Union will help fight for faculty

By Karen Lichtman and Literature | May 9, 2016

A tenure-track faculty union at NIU is a long time coming and I say that having been here only four years.As a graduate student in the Graduate Employees’ Organization at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, I earned yearly cost-of-living raises...

Letter to the Editor: Unionizing bad move for teachers

By James Johnson | May 5, 2016

I read the article on the NIU faculty’s intent to unionize in the Northern Star on Monday with great dismay. I have worked for other universities that unionized, the faculty thinking they are now in a position of power, with a union to battle for them....

NIU faculty files for unionization

By Madison Kacer | April 29, 2016

NIU faculty members finalized intent to unionize on Thursday with the Illinois Federation of Teachers; if certified, contract negotiations will potentially occur.One of the first steps that a newly-certified group often takes is beginning contract negotiations,...

NFL labor disputes distract people from the real issues

NFL labor disputes distract people from the real issues

By Jack Baker | February 27, 2011

The collective bargaining agreement between the NFL and NFL Players Association is set to expire Thursday. The owners have threatened to lock out the 2011 season, or not play any games, if a new deal can't be reached because the two sides can't agree...