Letter to the Editor: Unionizing bad move for teachers

By James Johnson

I read the article on the NIU faculty’s intent to unionize in the Northern Star on Monday with great dismay. I have worked for other universities that unionized, the faculty thinking they are now in a position of power, with a union to battle for them. The only crystal clear thing about a faculty union is the cost of the union dues. Benefits are more dubious.

If the faculty is serious, why join a lame teacher’s union? Why not join the United Automobile Workers or the Teamsters? Seriously, if you want to battle, join a union that knows how. We want assistance with negotiations — why? We want loan forgiveness because we can’t manage our own finances? We want legal and financial assistance? There are organizations that do that now. Joining a lame “gentleman’s” union will require all of us to take a cut in pay and receive little, if anything, in return.

Did the faculty mention a pay raise? Not a chance. Why? Because they don’t want to support anything that they can’t deliver on, and focus on things that few care about, but can claim to be a success. Why am I surprised?