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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A close view of a completed panel of samples being tested in the COVID-19 wastewater screening lab at NIU. (Sean Reed | Northern Star)

IN PICTURES: Inside NIU’s COVID wastewater screening lab

By Sean Reed, Photo Editor | January 26, 2023

DeKALB – Northern Illinois University students and faculty have not been required to regularly screen for COVID-19 since the 2021-22 academic year, in favor of testing when symptomatic. In the absence of SHIELD testing, NIU has implemented a new way...

An automated machine that separates out wastewater samples for the NIU Covid-19 surveillance lab to test for traces of the virus. (Sean Reed | Northern Star)

Wastewater screening indicates campus COVID-19 levels

By Bridgette Fox, Written Managing Editor | January 26, 2023

DeKALB – Although students are no longer required by NIU to screen for COVID-19, wastewater screening shows how much of the virus is present at different residence halls – which is a tool for students trying to stay healthy. Barrie Bode, professor...