Embrace aging



Growing older is inevitable, and sometimes scary. However, aging is a beautiful part of life that should be embraced.

By Nanette Nkolomoni, Copy Editor

Aging is an inevitable part of life. For many people during their early ages, they look forward to aging, dreaming about the day they turn 16, then 18, then 21. When suddenly, the feeling of becoming old kicks in. 

It’s no doubt that your 20s are still young and basically only the beginning of adulthood. But for women especially, there is a lot of societal pressure that they have to deal with. It’s almost as though women are on a tight schedule; finish education, get married and have children at least before or by 30, and if you don’t, you better hurry because now you’re old and running out of time.

The expectations and time frames society puts on women are just simply not fair and ridiculous. Women do not all live the same lives and don’t all want the same things. It’s important to understand that some just want to do what makes them happy despite society and/or family expectations.

Not only is there societal pressure on women to have their lives together by the age of 30, but there is also the societal pressure to appear youthful thanks to misogyny and beauty standards. This further results in low self esteem in women and women feeling the need to get cosmetic surgery to cover up any sign of aging, such as wrinkles.

The effects of aging on the face and body can impact self-esteem. Aging should be embraced, the need and want to look younger does not have to be the norm in society. 

Procedures such as botox and fillers becoming a norm has a counterproductive impact on younger generations, reminding them that aging is a bad thing and something to be ashamed of.

Aging is beautiful, and in many cultures, age displays wisdom and is a symbol of respect.

Embracing aging in today’s society reminds those who are younger that there are so many changes in life whether it’s appearance or personal ambitions and that is perfectly fine. You don’t have to live life according to anyone’s timeline or expectation – forget societal pressures and standards and live your life how you want to.